Thursday 28 January 2010


Lets just get something sorted right now. Idon't write! I hate it! So this is something of an indication of the mindless boredom of my present situation. My mind has been wandering and no doubt so will this blog.

I was talking to a friend today and they were bouncing an idea of me (well more of a plan really). The idea if put into place had any one of a number of outcomes some good some bad and some indifferent, so there was risk involved. (waffling already jeb? Yep!) Anyhow It struck me that we are not salmon.

A salmon swims up a river to sporn this is the entire culmination and reason for there being. When they have done what they are born to do, they die. Salmon have to get this right. If they choose a poor spot to ley eggs they may get washed away eaten, not futilised etc..(Waffling? probably) Their life would have no meaning!

Thankfully we are not salmon and can make plans, mess them up and have another go. We are not salmon so its okay to make mistakes. We are not salmon so its unlikely that we will get eaten by a Grizzly.

Got to go I have plans to mess up.